On February 2, took place on children's carnival at Center Janus animated colored waves on . .. FANTASTIC ....
The setting was the story of Shrek and Fiona

and could not miss Gingerbread

the impressive Proncipe blue

who kidnaps Fiona and the door to the castle
where he will be freed from Shrek and all the children ....
A already ...... children if there were no children's carnival was that??

guys we really enjoyed it and we have confirmed that the wave Coloured by happiness is contagious and has involved not only children but their parents ache.
not domentichiamo Don Paul which has enjoyed a world and as a young Boy Scout did not hesitate to participate in some Bann and it was contagious festive atmosphere

admire the fantastic .... Don Paul's Band

these and all of us that we had fun as hell
HELLO TO ALL AT THE NEXT ..............
PS: As soon as you give me your photo I do thou speakest to all ..