MARATHON REGGIO. Sorry for the delay
a long way from that inauspicious Sunday in September 2009 where, as you all know the illness end of the race and the subsequent cerebral ischemia in the afternoon, leading to hospitalization, the response was absolute stop to the races. I had fallen over the world ... the much-dreamed my first marathon was blown, with uncertainty of being able to resume running. Then
examinations in the months following a significant improvement had to tell the doctors that I could take with the races, but with caution.
This year, however, have not been stopped, I attended a fifty races, Racing with policy and with the head, leaving by the internal competition, but with the taste of gogliardico be returned to the group. In October, after the half marathon in Carpi locked in a bad way, I decided to quit to concentrate on the long and medium distances, but when a month ago I was told by the other Pico, "but by Andrea, you also subscribe Reggio, is a beautiful marathon, not hard, for everyone .. " I could not say no, considering also the group that was registering Picos. The goal was to leave and take the bus, 30 km mark and return to base. But the more 'day at the marathon approached and more' desire to bring it to the end of growth. I prepared fairly well, I was fine, and the weather beautiful made me decide to bring it to conclusion, even step on one leg. The final gem
then there was yesterday morning, when I got the much needed competitive sports fitness, and this morning I was loaded like a spring.
arrived in the hot sports hall adjacent to the start, we meet a bit 'all, making wishes. Imbaccucato and still influence our Lorenzo the Magnificent was undecided whether to leave or not. We advised him to go in all ways, and how he was feeling after a few km. If he was wrong to return to base, but would be a shame not to run from what he made with pique.
I was nervous in the first half hour of departure. I washed for 3 times the wall of the indoor stadium. A little 'heating, and within the grid. We newcomers to the marathon (I, Marco, Christian and Andrea C) perhaps naive and inexperienced, we start from the last row, loyal to the grid based on the breastplate.
At nine o'clock the street, clerical workers more 'than 2 minutes to pass the point of departure, and amid the general chaos set the pace especially since heart rate, not to leave too strong, and have the crisis to 30 °. But after Marco and I have 3 km we stopped for ennessimo PISC-stop in the first bush we could find (in the center of Reggio), losing contact with Cristina and Andrea. After fulfilled our needs, we continue with the march pace. Closed the first 10 km in 59min. and here forming a train taking them over pretty good. Move up to positions but at 17 km, blatantly Christian (abandoned by her women's group) begins to lose ground. His place was taken by Chiara di Como, a girl of 19 years, the most 'young of all participants. We arrive at the 20th km closed here in 59 minutes, we seem to Swiss watches, continuing our recovery. Mark the half he had to stop for yet another stop-PISC. The rest of us decide to slow down our pace, saying that most expect it before the restaurant, but we lose track of him. In the end he had to retire for a strong pain in my foot at 30km. Among continuous ups and downs we get to 30 degrees all three is still perky turning to 2h59min. And as everyone had warned us here should start the marathon, but stopped being no refreshments at all, making the supply of hot tea and lots of sweet fruit, the crisis can not see the 30km track, in fact, the last tear is passed without difficulties. To 34 km with a heavy heart we lose the clear, he had no more ', and Andrea and I, we looked at each other saying: "Give more' done! From now on is all downhill ..."
Seeeee .... suddenly at km 37 the road disappears beneath our feet ... An underpass! And I really started to go into crisis. The pulse begins to rise, I say to my partner to go but he says he's waiting for me .. We continue ... We turn to 40 degrees 4H, and here the crisis really began to be felt, I lose touch with Andrew, but just on the bridge on Crostolo meeting a friend of mine that leads me to seeing great voice ... I got the Magone, I pulled out everything I had left inside, and more 'I approached the finish hearing the voice of Brighenti commenting on the arrivals, more' cried the cognizance. At 42 ° Claudione first meeting, he moved for me, then others Pico shouting my name. Only 100 meters from the grand finale, my wife, she runs towards me with tears in his eyes and cut along the line is screaming finitaaaa ... A feeling too good!
4h15mi17sec final time. (I was wrong on my prediction of 17 sec ... something I review the tactics of running ...)
Sorry if I've been too long ...
But let's get to the race. Before the ranks of our Picos, a dutiful applause and many compliments to the organization. In addition to being logistically perfect, with free parking at 200 m from the start, and the sports hall with showers and all the services to 100 m, this should call the Marathon Reggiana, not the Marathon Reggio. In fact, all companies have participated in Reggio runners who are perfectly divided all services of the marathon, the distribution of race numbers at the crossroads, the refreshment, the warm sponge. Plus' is sort of running to see real champions Reggiano personally committed to the success event. (I saw Alfieri, Pellacani, Gelosini, Galassini and many others.)
But let us. Also this year we have to call the marathon record, given the times in which we have all done real time, although the path is not an easy one:
Messora Angelo 2:58:12 116 ° 170 ° SB
Bernardi Fausto Very 3:03:53 SB !!
Giacchero Alessandro 3:06:45 PB 211 ° 288 °
Passaquindici Lorenzo 3:11:34 PB but that time was if he was okay?? Olivier Samain
466 ° 472 ° 3.2218 PB
Claudio Marri PB
3:22:35 3:28:23 641 ° Rossi Patrizia was not at the top today
Campagnoli Maximum 642 ° 670 °
PB 3:28:11 3:29:23 PB Paul Greek Demolished the wall of 3h30min!
926 ° Finiguerra Fausto SB
3:38:44 3:42:14 PB Carmine Aquila 1020 ° 1067 °
Gambaiani Mauro SB
1235 3:45:00 3:51:26 PB Viewed ° Bozzali Alfredo Alfred Gelindo you sow?
1250 ° Canovi Marzia SB
3:52:08 3:56:56 1459 ° Fraccaroli Maurizio
SB 1472 ° 1532 ° Bregoli Luca Amadei Andrea
3:58:48 4:02:01 4:03:34 Cynthia Tagliavini
1544 ° 1545 ° Zerbinati Free
PB 4.02. 42 E 'was awarded for having finished all 15 editions.
1560 ° Mauro Molinari 4:02:28 PB debut ever and new future Pico Runners
1737 ° Ceccolini Andrea 4:15:01 PB debut ever and new future Pico Runners
1741 ° Andrea Magnani 4:15:17 PB debut absolute
Claudia Cova 4:17:25 PB 1747 ° 1801 °
Marani Cristian 4:21:33 PB debut absolute
1824 ° Massari Greta
SB 1920 4:24:28 4:36:34 PB ° Oddolini Katia
Withdrawn at 30 ° Bacchi Marco. Have not despair, it will be for next year ..
departing 2191, arriving 2101.
Since we were in so many aspect of the comments from you.